How do you visually portray a genre of music that often doesn’t have vocals, uses mostly computerised sounds and sometimes doesn’t even have a beat?
Few music genres state their intentions explicitly though their names… with one significant exception.
If you were to imagine a typeface from the distant future, what would it look like? Would we marvel at its brilliance or question its other-worldliness? Would typefaces even still be relevant forms of design?
The world is a big place! Thousands and thousands of unique cultures, languages and outlooks make up planet Earth today, and with that massive scope comes a myriad of design philosophies and ideas.
Metal music. We all know it. Some love it. Some can’t stand it. But all can agree that, if nothing else, it is a genre of music that, over the last 50 years, has become globally recognisable both for its iconic sound and for the culture that surrounds and embodies it.
The world of motorsport is, much like its cars, fast, flowing and constantly evolving to reach new limits and push evermore distant boundaries.